This week the spotlight is on the Jackpine Social Club label, who keeps its home in San Francisco. I’ve featured many of these artists on previous shows, which only goes to show that these guys have been on my radar...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
After ditching a hideous daily commute to work, we start of this short segment with an ode from ‘The Techno Squirrels’ to being stuck on SoCal’s 405 Freeway huffing smog…or any freeway in general for that...
IR Turkiye #2: Hande...
Herkese tekrar merhaba. IR Turkiye’nin ikinci bolumu ile tekrar karsinizdayim. Bu sefer daha iyi bir mikrofon, daha iyi bir ses kalitesi ve yine 5 harika grup ve sarki ile beraberiz. Ayrica bir de surprizim var...
IR Turkey #2: The On...
Hello again. I am here with the second episode of IR Turkey. In this episode, I had a better microphone, a better sound quality, 5 great bands and songs. Also, there is surprise! This episode is “The One with My...
IR Orlando #16: Post...
Post*Records was formed in the late summer of 2004, but the first official release didn’t come out until February of 2005. Now they have close to a dozen artists, and over a dozen releases available, including a...
IR: San Francisco #3...
This is Part 2 of the Psychedelic Psycelebration, first started back on Episode 28. Most of the bands and artists are from the SF Bay Area, and some have been previously featured on this show. So get out yer lava lamps and...
Insomnia Radio: New ...
[Note: these are the original show notes, some of the images and links don’t work 2 years on] [audio:] DOWNLOAD Song List and Band...
IR: San Francisco #3...
Welcome to another edition of Insomnia Radio: San Francisco. This episode is a special one for two reasons: 1) the first half of the episode is dedicated to some of the IR regional shows, and 2) the second half is dedicated...
IR: Detroit Episode ...
IR Detroit/Motor City #3 Download | Subscribe [audio:] I’m happy to bring to you episode #3 of IR:Motor City – This episode has it all: Punk, Funk, Rock, and...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Hey everyone! Today I’m giving away five CD’s from a great Santa Barbara band called The Coral Sea, so make sure you check this one out sometime during the week in order to have a chance to win. We’ve also...
IR Turkiye #1
Herkese merhabalar, ben Turker Keskinpala, Insomnia Radyo Turkiye Podcast’inin sunucusuyum. Hep beraber IR Turkiye ile Turk bagimsiz muzigini kesfe cikiyoruz. Bu fikrin olusmasi ve uygulanmasi arasinda cok zaman gecti...
Insomnia Radio Turke...
Hey everyone, this is Turker Keskinpala, your host for Insomnia Radio Turkey. We are going to take a wild ride to the world of Turkish music. There is a very a long time between the birth of the idea and this day but I am...