After last week’s session we do a quick 180 and bring in New Years with an all-electronica celebration. In honor of all the DJ driven events that occur every year-end all the way from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, we...
IR Orlando #13: Send...
Well, well, well… It’s episode 13 at long last! Sorry for the long delay. I didn’t intend to take quite that long of a break between shows. I recently started a new job which takes a lot of time and energy,...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Welcome back for episode #2 of the SoCal Sessions. We’ve got five more great LA based (and related) artists in this new session that might help you conjure up the imagery of a less developed California. The title of...
IR: San Francisco #2...
Hey gang! Last episode of 2006 comin’ at ya, featuring six Bay Area bands and two from elsewhere, all of whom would not be out of place in the late 60’s or early 70’s pantheon of pop music. Thanks for...
IR Chicago #2
At long last, Episode 2 is officially in the can. What the hell does that mean anyway? Don’t despair for it will all be irrelevant once you dive into the musical goodness of this episode. We’ve got some...
Insomnia Radio #117:...
We’re halfway there! Thanks for all of your thoughtful feedback so far, it’s been a little draining doing 12 episodes straight, but infinitely fun as well. Enjoy June 06! JUNE 2006 RETROSPECTIVE 1) Chris...
Insomnia Radio #116:...
May 2006 was a surprisingly uneventful month for IR…but there were plenty of musical gems. Enjoy! MAY 2006 RETROSPECTIVE 1) Syntenic – Beat My Chest 2) Fusion – Saccharine 3) Chance – Independent ...
Insomnia Radio #115:...
Welcome to Day 4 (not Day 5 as I say in the show…I was told there would be no math…) of the 2006 recap on Insomnia Radio. *THIS EPISODE IS NOT WORK SAFE. Not Remotely. APRIL 2006 RETROSPECTIVE 1) New End...
IR: San Francisco #2...
Well, it is, ya know… Starting off with some musical comedy, the show steamrolls into your ears, and hopefully the songs make you want to go back and listen again, buy shit, and go crazy downloadin’. This show...
Insomnia Radio #114:...
March was simply chaotic. 9 episodes of IR, a live production w/ Chance, The Thieves, and Recliner. Working full time. Regional shows launching, a run with advertising, phew! But as always, music took center stage. MARCH...
Insomnia Radio #113:...
Welcome back gang! Day 2 of the IR 2006 recap kicks off with one of my all time favorites by the Negatones and continues with 7 more tracks that get lodged in your cranium. FEBRUARY 2006 RETROSPECTIVE 1) The Negatones...
Insomnia Radio #112:...
Welcome to the insanity! Of course I had to go out of 2006 with style, so welcome to the first of 12 consecutive daily episodes leading up to December 25th, celebrating the best music from 2006 on IR. Free up some hard drive...
Insomnia Radio: UK &...
Download | Subscribe [audio:] Song List and Band Myspace Links: Get on by {Satellite – State} All too soon by {Satellite – State} The light by Crazy Blanket Vladimir...
IR: San Francisco #2...
I couldn’t let this holiday season go by without recording a holiday-specific episode. Featuring bands from the Bay Area (who knew Dr. Elmo was from Novato, in Marin County?!) and elsewhere, I present you with 12 songs...
Insomnia Radio #111:...
A playlist that’s been burning a hole in my head for weeks. A brand new open source method of producing IR. This episode has a bit of brevity and a ton of rock and roll swagger. . .In case I don’t make it back for...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Welcome! I’m Charles Stepczyk and I’d like to officially take the bear leash from the main show host Jason E. and fire up “The SoCal Sessions” music grinder. IR San Diego will continue as normal on...
Insomnia Radio UK: E...
Download | Subscribe [audio:] Insomnia Radio UK: Episode 19 Song List and Band Myspace Links: Call Me Up by Dirty Mammoth .Embrace.Destroy by Fulc Never Forgotten by...