When I squeeze 11 tracks into one hour, that means two things: 1) Less chit chat from your host. 2) A healthy dose of loud and heavy rock and roll. This episode is ideal for a long stretch of road, and perfect for your...
IR Orlando #11: Horr...
OK kids, we have very special episode for you this week! It’s special for 2 reasons: first, I have a guest with me – my friend Su has agreed to be a victim… er, I mean, to be a co-host for this episode, and...
Insomnia Radio: UK &...
Download | Subscribe [audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/iruk16.mp3] Insomnia Radio UK: Episode Sixteen – OLA Our Lunar Activities Song List: It comes in waves Diamond She Cried ...
Insomnia Radio: UK &...
Download | Subscribe [audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/iruk15.mp3] Song List and Band Myspace Links: Carry On Screaming by Kerbslider Days of long ago by Shortfall Hot College Girl by Testosterone ...
IR: San Francisco #2...
I’ve had this playlist sitting in my iPod for the better part of three weeks now, and not even a severe lack of sleep would prevent me from finally putting it all together in a show for you. Rockin’ good local...
IR Orlando #10
Wow, I’m finally in double digits! It’s been fun so far – I hope to bring you lots more great Central Florida music in future shows. I’d love some feedback from my listeners: where do you listen to...
IR: San Francisco #2...
This week’s episode features SF indie band Parcourse, including five tracks from their two EPs and some conversation live from Specs bar in North Beach....
Parcourse: The Balla...
Take the hook-laden swirl of 60’s Britpop, mix it with the DIY aesthetic of mid-90’s lo-fi indie rock, and you get Parcourse. They are poppy without the sugar, introspective without the melodrama, and melancholy...
IR Chicago #1
At long last IR Chicago hits your ears with Episode 1, featuring 4 great tracks. It’s short, but it’s sweet. Remember to subscribe: feeds.feedburner.com/irchicago Feedback? Chicago@insomniaradio.net Braam:...
Insomnia Radio #107:...
Running Time: 48minutes IR 107 finds us exploring a tale of two motion soundtracks, reggae ‘n’ roll from Germany, the next undiscovered Nirvana, a rare track from the Shakes, and more great music from around the...
Insomnia Radio: UK &...
Download | Subscribe [audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/iruk14.mp3] Insomnia Radio UK: Episode Fourteen – The Shakes Song List Liberty Jones Daylight Liberty Jones (duet) – featuring Lady A ...
Insomnia Radio UK &#...
Download | Subscribe [audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/iruk13.mp3] Insomnia Radio UK: Episode Thirteen – unlucky for some Song List and Band Links: Air Guitar by Towers of London Crazy as Me...
IR: San Francisco #2...
I know I keep saying this, but I really should NOT take too much time away from the mic. My delivery gets sloppy, I start making no sense, and I haven’t even had anything stronger than coffee to drink today. No matter,...
Insomnia Radio #106:...
Running Time 59minutes Like many episodes of IR, this one came together at the last minute (starting to think this is a GOOD thing!), and leans heavily on the rock. Aside from the killer tracks, there’s a lot on my...
IR Orlando #9
Hello again… autumn has arrived in Orlando and the temperature has finally dipped below 95! It’s my favorite season, so if I sound a little perkier, it’s because I’m happy that the long, hot summer is...
Derivative: Twilight
Download | Subscribe [audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/dailydose/irdd-derivative-twilight.mp3] In 2004, I featured this song on a little known podcast called Indiefeed Hip Hop. (Obviously things have changed,...
Insomnia Radio #105:...
NOT WORKSAFE For the 1st time since IR #15, I sat down with a co-host (the more than capable Scott Tinetti of IR:SF), some beers, and a truly special sandal. Episode 105 finds us also discussing everything from major labels...