Sho? Winter

We continue the international run this weekend with a very hard-edged track from Dubai based band Sho?, prounounced Shoe. Unfortunately the paramaters of this blog don’t allow us to publish any Arabic characters so you’ll have to check the actual .mp3 file for the correct look of the actual band-name. Roughly, it basically translates to WHAT? in Arabic.

On their Twitter stream, they mentioned that one reviewer compared them to Guano Apes meets legendary Portuguese punk rock act Tara Perdida. This immediately piqued our interest and we found out that lead singer Zara Quiroga had Spanish as well as Portuguese roots. Further dipping into this Emirate based melting pot we noticed that Rizal Kahn, the guitarist, comes from Malaysian roots, possibly explaining the fact that they have an upcoming December gig in Kuala Lampur.

Sho? has a four-song debut EP out as of August titled “I Don’t Wanna Go”. You can download this eclectic release for free at their website via the link below. Its sounds run the gamut between rock and metal while even mixing in some delicious ska beats. Today as I’m prepping a local SoCal based metal show, I’d like to feature my favorite track from this release, ‘Winter’,  a bit of inspiration to get things fired up if you will.


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