Van Risseghem: Love, Again

Van RisseghemWe recently discovered Tulsa, Oklahoma native and musician, Jonathan Van Risseghem over at the Garageband site, and wanted to briefly plug in there and help promote his opening track “Love, Again” from the debut release ‘The Motions’ with you all. Here is how his bio reads:

Compiled of veterans in the Midwestern music scene, Van Risseghem has performed with many artists of national and regional acclaim. Jonathan is backed by lead guitarist Alex Coleman, generating a pure vintage sound through his rig, Joshua Davidson who cuts through with his driving bass, Barak Tschirhart whom adds rich textures of organs, pianos, along with a variety of brass instruments, and drummer Casey Meyering taking no prisoners with his intimidating percussive work.

Van Risseghem’s song craft shows no sign of artistic compromise, but rather a deepening of signature aesthetics and concise songwriting galvanized into a high-energy live show. Like a painter who masters the fundamentals of drafting before becoming an Expressionist or Cubist, Jonathan leverages solid lyricism as a foundation on which to build the colorful melodious constructions of the imagination.


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